Page 24 - February Magazine 2020
P. 24

A Brief History Of Futons

    Originally from Japan, Futons are      and a bean- or plastic bead-filled     a couch and a bed. Western futons
    like bed mattresses but used and       pillow (makura). This is equivalent to   are constructed larger and thicker
    made differently than in their home    a western bed set.                     than Japanese futons, and are cheap
    country.                                                                      compared to regular mattresses or
                                           Japanese futons are usually stored     beds.
    Japanese Futons                        in a closet, but must be left to air
                                           in the sunlight when not put away.     Western futons are common now in
    Measuring two inches (5 cm)            These futons are typically beaten with  Japan. These futons, hand-made, have
    thick and filled with cotton and/or    bamboo to keep them in shape.          no synthetic filling; they are stuffed
    synthetic batting, Japanese futons                                            primarily with cotton. Western futons
    are typically flat and are designed    Western Futons                         in Japan are sold as “earth-friendly,”
    to be spread out on tatami flooring,                                          and are not composed of any
    which is a special kind of flooring    Western futons are closer to           chemicals whatsoever, distinguishing
    indigenous to Japanese architecture.   mattresses; they are also stuffed      them from the traditional bed set.
                                           with multiple layers of foam and/or
    Japanese futons are usually sold       batting, but they do not have springs.   Futons are otherwise most convenient
    in sets consisting of the futon        Western futons are placed on an        and economical and therefore
    mattress (shikibuton), a comforter     adjustable frame resembling that       preferable to people on-the-go or
    (kakebuton) or blanket (moku), a       of a couch, and are designed in the    living in small spaces. They’re not
    summer towel-like blanket (towelket),  fashion of a sofa-bed—to be used as    only for the Japanese anymore!

    A Clear View On Vinyl

    Window Options

    Windows are an investment in your      but don’t get overwhelmed. Know        styles, including single- and double-
    home’s real estate value.              your facts and work with a qualified   hung, horizontal sliding, casement,
                                           contractor so you can be prepared      architectural shapes and more,
    They add style- both indoors and out.  for your next window replacement       even custom shapes and those with
    But old, leaky windows can also add    project.                               decorative glass.
    to home heating and cooling costs by
    as much as 30 to 40 percent.           One of today’s most popular and        For energy conscious consumers,
                                           versatile window materials is vinyl.   vinyl is hard to beat. As an example,
    And with energy costs inching          Compared to wood or aluminum,          CertainTeed vinyl windows with
    upward, windows are getting more       vinyl windows are virtually            Thermaflect® low “E” glazing system
    attention than ever.                   maintenance free and long lasting.     help keep homes cooler in summer
                                                                                  and warmer in winter.
    Windows come in many shapes,           Pioneered by CertainTeed in the
    sizes and styles and are made from a   1970s, millions have been installed    In fact, these windows can reduce
    variety of materials.                  and the demand continues to grow.      heating and cooling costs by as much
                                                                                  as 15 percent each year and come
    Choosing appropriate windows for       Advanced manufacturing techniques      with the Environmental Protection
    your home is a significant decision,   shape vinyl windows into different     Agency’s Energy Star rating.
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