Page 9 - February Magazine 2020
P. 9
3 Reasons You
May Need A
There are all kinds of reasons to get a important job or event you are work-
manicure and most people may not ing hard to get.
know that there are actually a num-
ber of benefits. However, most peo- Relaxation and pampering — Ask
ple simply get their manicure done the average woman what she wants
for a few most common reasons, out of spa or salon service and
clean healthy nails, pretty polish and chances are she will say relaxation!
relaxation. New clean polish or relax- Relieve your stress and experience
ation are only a small part of what a some valuable ‘me time’ at your
manicure can do for you. favorite spa and you will notice the
difference not only in your hands but
I meet a lot of people each week and also in your mood. Follow it with
the typical conversation is why they some coffee with your girls and voilà!
came in for that manicure service. I Here’s your recipe for a perfect girls
hear all kinds of reasons, vacation, day out.
wedding, first dates, anniversaries
and so many more. Often during Health of the nail- the health of
these services I offer reasons why the nail can be a tricky and frankly
they may benefit from continued a mystery to most. I get asked all the
treatments. time “why are my nails in such bad
shape?” Well many doctors cannot
3 Reason Why To Get A Manicure even tell you why nails do what they
do. My philosophy is simple really.
Cleanliness and presentation- no The nails are at the furthest point
matter what your career is clean from the heart.
hands and nails are important.
People will judge you for many rea- The internal body is supplying all
sons, they decide things like are you of your organs, and unfortunately
professional, are you aware of your the nails get the last of everything!
personal appearance and are you a Whatever is happening inside the
detailed individual. body can also directly affect the
Un-kept fingernails can say a lot health of the hair, skin and nails.
about how you feel about these Maintaining a healthy nail with a
things. Chipped nail polish or dirty regular manicure can ensure that you
nails will tell a big story about you are doing everything possible to keep
and can certainly make or break that things looking and feeling great.